Friday, January 9, 2009


EDITOR'S NOTE; Norbert Paul, a 16 year old high school student wrote the following article for the School section of the Orillia Packet & Times newspaper some years ago. This description of maturity is by far the best I have read.

He writes " Just what is the definition of mature? The dictionary says that it is simply 'fully grown and developed' but I think it goes even deeper than that. Most people fully mature while they are teenagers but, only physically. It was said by someone, somewhere, that only forty year old people are fully mature.

Being mature means being able to cope with the problems of everyday life. It means knowing what your limits are, and what the limits are of those close to you. You have to be able to consider the opinions of others as well as your own.

You have to understand why other people feel the way they do and what they reach the way they do. A lot of teenagers think that they are grown up and very mature when actually they are naive about what really goes on in life. They haven't been subject to work pressure, family pressure, and the pressures that one confronts when leading a life of their own.

This is a time in life when one really matures. Physically maturing is a learning experience that is no doubt fun. Watching yourself and others around you grow tends to be a very exciting period of life. Learning how society, in general, works also helps shape a person's outlook on life. Knowing how big business works, knowing how politics, sex, sports and other aspects of life work is a very big step in learning.

Those people that are mature tend to live life fully. They are aware of how society is run. They know why they were placed on this large sphere of dirt and water. They are more likely to fully experience life.

One of the most enjoyable and challenging aspects of life is growing up. The thing that really fascinates me is that we never stop maturing. Every day is a different learningf experience. No matter how old you may be, you will never know everything or be totally mature. We are always becoming.

DON says: A very well thought out and comprehensive article. I think this is a great mind!

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