Tuesday, January 13, 2009


My wife and I just returned from a weekend away from everything - children, dogs, routine, dishes, meals and so on.

We had a ball. We left early on a Saturday, drove up North and got a motel room in Barrie. Like a couple of newly marrieds on their honeymoon we spent the rest of the weekend shopping, eating out and just enjoying ourselves on our short but beautiful break from the regular routine.

I think it is very important that married couples, no matter what age, take a couple of days off every so often and go away somewhere by themselves, to recharge, have a few laughs and bring back some of the magic of the early years of their marriage.

So guys - don't say you can't afford, it only costs a few dollars - take her away from everything and show her that you still care, with sweet words and a little loving. You will both reap the benefit of a more relaxed and loving atmosphere when you return home.


DON says: I wrote this in December of 1971 and the content remains relevant today. A close loving relationship with your wife is extremely necessary to help you in breaking your alcohol addiction. Remember, this woman you married has put up a lot with your drinking in the past, raising children, keeping the relationships at home together, and constantly making excuses for your absences and problems when you were drinking. Give her a lot of credit, she deserves it!

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