Wednesday, July 9, 2008


What does an alcoholic look like? Does he look like me? Does he have two ears to hear? A nose and eyes to see?

Does he have a mouth to speak? A chin that's square, a dimpled cheek?

What does an alcoholic look like? Does he look like me?

Would I know him if I saw him? Would I recognize his gait? Is he tall or small I wonder? Or slim or overweight? Is he a lowly farmer, Or a man of high degree? What does an Alcoholic look like, Does he look like me?
I wonder, is he my neighbour? Or from the other side of town? Does he laugh or smile a lot? Or sometimes wear a frown?I s he an entertainer, Or a sailor on the sea?

What does an alcoholic look like?Does he look like me?T he name respects the person, not the nondescript or famous, The actor or the Astronaut, Intellectual or Ignoramus. The are no identifying marks For anyone to see.

What does an alcoholic look like?
Well just like me.


Don says: Look around you and ask yourself, is that guy an alcoholic? Is that gal a closet drinker, learning to be an alcoholic? Is that librarian, postal clerk, car salesperson, name the occupation, an alcoholic. We as humans are cut from the same cloth, the only distinctions we make are how we manage our lives. If you have an alcohol problem, get some help! You deserve more than you are getting.

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