Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Some things I do not miss since becoming dry,
That overall awful feeling physically,including the shakes,
a splitting headache,
pains in my arms and legs,
bleary eyes,
fluttering stomach,
droopy shoulders,
weak knees,
a three day beard and a flushed complexion.

Also, facing my wife at breakfast,
and then lookingat my breakfast.
Composing the alibi and sticking to it.
Trying to shave with a hand that won't behave.
Also opening up mywallet to find it empty.

I don't miss these things, do I?

Some more things I do not miss since becoming dry:
Wondering if the car is in the garage and how did I get home.
Struggling to remember where I was
and what I did since my last conscious moment.
Trying to delay getting off to work.
Wondering how I will look when I arrive at the office.
Dreading the day ahead of me.

I'm quite sure that I don't miss these things, am I not?

Some more things I do not miss since becoming dry.
Running all over town to find a bar open toget that "pick-up".
Meeting my friends and trying to cover up that I feel lousy.
Looking at myself in a mirror and calling myself a damn fool.
Struggling with myself to snap out of it for two or three days.
Wondering what it is all about.

I'm positive I don't miss these things, am I not?

Some things I like since becoming dry:
Feeling good in the morning.
Full use of myintelligence.
Joy in my work.
Money in my pocket.
A complete lack of remorse.
The confidence of my friends
The prospect of a happy future.
The appreciation of the beauties of nature.
Knowing what it is all about.
And finally, and most important,
the love and trustof my wife and family.

I'm sure that I like these things, do I not?

Author Unknown

Don says: I feel like this is pointed directly at me! I have experienced all of the emotions and events shown above. When I look back, I shudder at how close I came to losing everything, family, friends, employers, the list goes on. If you, gentle reader recognize some of the above feelings, take heart, it is not too late. It is never too late!
Sometimes it helps to write down some of the articles that appear in this blog. Keep them in front of you never forget the messages you see. It can mean your life!

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