Friday, February 13, 2009


I quote from a letter from a thankful wife:

Just a few lines to tell how it is like to have my man back again - great! I spent 21 years of Hell with my husband's drinking, why I don't know - maybe I didn't have the guts to leave, or I didn't want uproot my three children. Maybe I just hoped and prayed there were better days ahead, Whatever the reason, I put up with it, and I am glad I did, because it is a whole life for me and my children, and I have my Bill back again. It is like meeting and courting each other all over again. We have both been reborn. We do things together, we talk and laugh together. Just being together and loving each other is great, and I am proud of Bill and what he has done.

Thank you Donwood and staff for what you have done for Bill and I.

It has been three and a half beautiful and happy years.


DON SAYS: I am purposely leaving this lady's name off, with respect for her privacy, but she does exist, and I find this a quite compelling and beautiful letter.

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