Friday, January 9, 2009



This something we all want to believe, need to believe. And, deep down, it is something we instinctively believe. There is something in us that even in the darkest night looks to the morning. But as much as we want to believe that we can begin again, sometimes we listen to our own fears and doubts or we listen to the voices of cynicism and pessimism that would have us believe that it is no use trying.

Sometimes a person will say, "It is too late to begin again, I'm too old to begin again." It is not too late, if we refuse to think it is; we are not too old, if we refuse to think we are. This where the beginning again starts, in our thoughts. That it is never to late to begin again, that no one is ever too old to begin again, has been proved over and over by people who have had the courage and wisdom to reject such thoughts.

Conditions and circumstances constantly change. We may resist these changes and feel threatened becaused accustomed ways of life are no longer possible. But, often, surprisingly, after having been forced to meet some change, we come to the place where we can look back and actually be thankful for it.

We may even wonder why we found it so hard to meet the change that has brought us new blessings in its wake. To begin agian implies beginning again in a better way. We begin again when we let go negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves, about others, about life.

Whatever your needs, your hopes, your dreams, your problems, you can do and be all things, the power to change your life is in YOU. We can begin again. Where do we begin again? Right where we are. We are always at a point of beginning again. Begin again! The hope of the heart, the dream of the soul. If ever we feel restless or dissatisfied with ourselves and our life it is probably because we are ready for change. We are ready to grow, we are ready to let go old thoughts, old ways, to enter into a new way of life and thought.
Bonnie Martin - Clinical Secretary

DON says: A very inspirational article - It gives hope to the poor soul who has an alcohol dependency, who has tried again and again. Another try to keep sober may be just around the corner, and when it comes you will feel enlightened, stronger, and will love the life you are about to start. Don't give up! If you have failed a dozen times, a thousand times, DON'T GIVE UP. I have been there, done that, and after many tries, I succeeded, and boy was it GREAT!

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