Tuesday, January 13, 2009


A fellow alumni of the Donwood Institute and I were discussing recently the strange fact that most alcoholics are not really ready or willing to commit themselves to a complete life of sobriety for at least the first year after taking their last drink.

During this first year we tend to toy with the idea of returning to drinking. We still crave not only the alcohol, but the way of life it provides, such as the escape it gives from reality and our ability under its influence to lower or ignore our stands of morality, and take away our inhibitions for a short while.

It is extremely difficult during this period to face the fact that we must quit drinking forever, not just for a short period of time as we wish we could.

Remember the first thought of quitting for good? The sick feeling in the stomach? The feeling of fear? How could we possibly do that? We have tried many times in the past to quit, usually for short periods of time in the hope we could control our drinking like other people. But forever?

Impossible! This never could be done - or could it? The secret lies in our ability to face life one day at a time. In the beginning it seems impossible, but if we stick to it, the days add up to weeks, then months, and then the first crucial year is past. We actually have quit drinking for a whole year! Now we can face forever.

With this final acceptance, a great feeling of relief comes over us. We relax finally, for we no longer seem to have to fight our constant compulses to drink. Life is found to be surprisingly good without booze. We find other ways to face life, and with it comes satisfaction , and a great feeling of confidence and pride in ourselves. We did it! All by ourselves.

We used to think it couldn't be done, but we are stronger than we realized, and we are worthwhile. Something we couldn't have believed in the past. Remember, most people will never have to go through what we do to quit drinking, and perhaps we are stronger than they, for having the strength and fortitude to do it.

We all have the strength within us to overcome our drinking if we honestly want to. It is not easy, and we require a lot of help, but we can do it!


DON says: I really felt good re-reading this article after so many years. This is now 2008, and I have lived through all my crises' and life is not only good, it is excellent. I have had the priviledge of helping to bring up four stable children who have families of their own. I am so happy that I quit drinking, and was able to give back to life, that was given to me by God.

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