Monday, January 12, 2009


The following poem was written by a 12 year old girl.

Her father has an alcohol problem and she wrote this from what she hoped he would come to see and believe in the future. "In his words"

It's all very faint, And I can't really see. Oh, my dear God What has happened to me? My body is weak, and I can't really walk, The words are all jumbled When I try to talk. I found my keys, And got to my car. I started to drive But I didn't get far.

The road was slippery, For it poured with rain. I hit a car And heard screams of pain. The sirens blared. And the lights were bright. I lay in my car, Frozen with fright.

I awoke in the hospital, to see, My wife and my children Looking at me. She said that they'd come to bid me good-bye. She said they leaving And I asked her why.

She told me that she could no longer depend on a man who brings trouble without any end.

I finally got home, Feeling lonely and tired, A call from my boss told me I had been fired. I know it's my fault. I've been drinking too long. It's hard to put right What I have done wrong. I know with the help, And the care of my family and friends, this problem I have will finally end.

DON says: This child is decidedly much more mature than her father. I hope that it worked out for that family. I have no idea.

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